Sunday, May 26, 2024

A Well Read Fool

This little piece was inspired by people I have come across at different times, who are not related to one another, they come from different walks of life but are strangely similar in their pattern of behaviour. Pulled it out of the archives :)


A Well Read Fool

I sit with a book in hand
I read to know, I read to impress
I read to opine, I read to control
And people call me 'well-read'

There is not a fact I do not know
There is no discourse I cannot deliver
There is not a debate I cannot win
There is no opinion I cannot crush

But am I really well-read?

I see not the beauty of a painting 
unless to find a crooked line
I miss the forest for the tree
and find fault in everything but 'me'
I read to equip my vocabulary
but infinite knowledge fails to impress me


Blessed is the person who lives every breath
Finds magic in the sun, the wind and the sky
Who reads to understand how little he knows
And is just simply marvelled by life

What it is to live a life of adventure and exploration
of the mind and the soul
Express to lift up and not bog down
and walk along instead of alone

Unless I realize that the magic of freedom is to let go
of my 'self' and the so-called 'control'
I will live by my set rules
and will remain a well-read fool


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